Sustainable pet parenting - ideas on more ethical options for your dog
We are all pretty well aware of the need for sustainable fashion, how to shop sustainably and be conscious in our fashion choices. But have you considered the sustainability of your pet?

In terms of general pet aspects where you might be able to make more sustainable choices; consider the sustainability of your animals food; the proper disposal of pet waste and also explore holistic options for treating ailments and products such as pet shampoo (Rover, 2020). Also, maybe you can consider taking walks that are local to you instead of needing to go in the car, its all about making choices that are eco but also fit with your lifestyle and needs. Furthermore, you can try opting for products with less single use packaging and avoid creating excess waste by overbuying products (TRVST, 2021).

Taking a more apparel/textiles view on the situation here are some suggestions which you can test out:
Use old blankets/towels for pets in their beds and for keeping them cosy, especially through the winter. It’s a great way to extend the lifecycle of the material.
Buy pet accessories that will actually be used, Livia Firths 30 wear rule stands true even for our furry friends! Although that cute bandana/outfit/glittery lead is cool, try to ask yourself if you actually need it or will use it.
Get creative with play time and pet toys – maybe you can plait your old jeans to make a rope pull toy? Check this out for inspo (but please be sensible about what your dog might eat and what is and isn’t a good idea for you and your pooch!).
As the founder of Skylos Collective, it is important to me to be sharing the best tips and tricks for a more sustainable life with your pooch! If you would like to connect, please reach out on Instagram @skyloscollective
Rover. (2020). Retrieved from Rover.com’s Guide to Sustainable Living with a Pet: https://www.rover.com/blog/dog-lovers-guide-sustainable-living/
TRVST. (2021). 9 Tips for Sustainable Pet Ownership & Care. Retrieved from https://www.trvst.world/sustainable-living/pet-ownership-care/