Tips for a more chilled life with your dog in our fast paced world

Tips for a more chilled life with your dog in our fast paced world

Dogs are known as (wo)man's best friend for a reason. They provide us with companionship, love, and support- and ask for very little in return. For many of us, our dogs are family members, and we would do anything to make sure they are happy and healthy. If you have a busy lifestyle, it can be hard to find time to spend with your furry friend.
However, there are ways to incorporate your dog into a slow-paced lifestyle so that you can both enjoy quality time together. Here are some tips that you can incorporate in your life:
1. Get creative with walks. Instead of just going for a traditional walk around the block, get creative with your route. Find a scenic walking trail, even just explore a different part of your neighbourhood. This is a great way to bond with your dog while getting some fresh air.
2. Practise mindfulness. When with your dog, focus your attention on your breathing - notice how it differs from your dogs. Spend some time doing calming breaths and being present in the Now. Being present and in the moment is always a good idea when wanting to take a calm moment and if you fancy, you might even want to try some yoga whilst with your dog around. They may be a little distracting, maybe even want to get involved but this can offer lovely opportunities to bond with your dog and make the yoga practice that little bit more special.
3. Take advantage of down time. If you have a moment where you're just relaxing at home, take the opportunity to spend some time with your dog. Give them a belly rub, brush their fur, a bath or just snuggle up together. These are the little moments that you'll both cherish.
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4. Savour the simple things – savour simple moments like cuddling on the couch or taking a nap in the sun. Allow yourselves to just be. No rush, breathe and be open to whatever comes your way.
5. Be in the moment – One of the best things about spending time with a dog is that they live in the moment. It allows you to connect with your dog on a deeper level and really appreciate all the wonderful moments that you share together.
There are many benefits to living a slower paced lifestyle with your dog. Some of these benefits include improved physical and mental health, increased bonding with your dog, and less stress. Always be patient with your canine friend and enjoy making the lovely memories of being calm together and living a conscious lifestyle.
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