#SkylosSpeaksTo Alli, the CEP (Chief Executive Pooch)

#SkylosSpeaksTo Alli, the CEP (Chief Executive Pooch)

1. Tell us a bit about yourself?
Hello, my name is Alli, I am a Golden Retriever and am originally I am
from Cape Town, South Africa. The people tell me I am getting a bit older (I’m nearly 10), but I still feel like a spring chicken. These days I don’t run on the beach for as long as I used to and like to take extra-long naps.
2. How do you like to spend your weekends?
On the weekend my fav thing to do is go out and about on adventures with my parents. We go all over the place, and I really don’t mind where we go or what we do as long as I get to come along. I like to go on the bus, on the train, in the car… basically I just like to go places! Although I have to say the beach is a firm fav for me!
3. Whats your fav thing your owner does?
Well, I think my parents are pretty cool, I’d say my top things are:
  • Playing tug of war with them is super fun but then when I rip my toys, I always have a small sulk while they sew them back together.
  • Having a snuggle in between them in bed before we go to sleep, we don’t tell Dad, but Mum gives me a little treat in bed… but normally I end up dropping crumbs on Dad – he doesn’t love that so much. (One thing you should know about me is that I am not that good at being sneaky).
  • Playing fetch with my ball in the sea. Not to brag but I am pretty good – I can even surf back in on a wave (sometimes!)
  • Last but absolutely not least, I LOVE MUD and so when they aren't paying attention I go crazy in the mud!
4. Do you have crazy dreams? Tell us about them!
I am very busy in my dreams; I have a lot of dinosaurs to chase… my little legs go really fast when I am chasing them in my sleep, and I often bark and shout at them too!
5. What does it feel like when you have the Zoomies?
I’m getting too old for the Zoomies but sometimes I have to wear my hiking booties, so I don’t scratch my paw pads and they make me race everywhere so quickly! Once on a hike outside Cape Town I totally over-cooked it and got totally exhausted – Dad had to hike back with me across his shoulders – I thought it was fab!
6. Do you have any special tricks or skills?
I can do paw (both sides) and I know which toy I must bring you depending on the vibe we have. Ooh, also, I have quite some snack skills – I don’t want to get anyone in trouble but once I ate an entire cake in one night, I didn’t even leave a crumb on the carpet. When my mum found out, she was really worried about me and did all vet checks etc, but I was totally fine, I didn’t even bother to look guilty about it!
7. And what do you think about taking walks in the rain?
I LOVE the rain! I don’t understand why everyone stays inside when it rains! I always ask to go and lay out in the rain when we are just at home, but my parents don’t let me anymore – in Cape Town I was allowed to, but here the rain comes often here and it isn’t so warm. We don’t really go for walks in the rain as Mum doesn’t like walking in it and I get real stinky after being soggy - neither of them love my eau-de-wet-dog .
8. When out and about, are you a social butterfly or a bit more reserved?
I am the definition of a social butterfly when it comes to hanging out with humans… but I am not that interested in hanging out with other dogs. They don’t give me snacks like humans do! But I did have one friend called Shake who lived round the corner and I was madly in love with him – his ginger coat, his tail, his floppy ears… I was head over heals for him!
9. Are you a mummy's (daddy's) boy/girl or are you happy to share the love?
I am a mummy’s girl until Dad is around, then I forget who she is and will only do my best behaviour for him. The only exception to this is when I am grumpy with Dad (e.g. when he leaves me with Mum and goes out).
10. What's your best advice?
When things get tough, you have two choices ... wag your tail and hope for a snack or go take a nap!
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